Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

Okay this blog is called "I Celebrate Myself" and it’s supposed to be about, well, celebrating myself. So let me begin. I celebrate myself in two ways mainly, through what I do and through what I am. I believe that what I do is based on what i am and what I am is based on my surroundings, both physical and social. My social surroundings are pretty clear, it’s the society that we live in. Our society shapes who we are as people through its rules and customs and prejudices and it may affect each of us differently, but it still affects us all. Our social surroundings also include the people that we’re around every day like our friends and family. They affect us just as much as our society does because they tend to be the reason that we break social norms. My physical environment on the other hand includes things in which our reactions are much more important than the thing that we are faced with. It includes the obstacles crossed and the challenges overcome, the problems faced and the prejudices broken. There’s probably a better name for it besides physical environment but I can’t really think of one right now.
 These two parts have helped to develop my personality and my morals and principles, which are the same morals and principles that often result in what I do, the other part of me. Most actions that I take are done because of habit and nothing more. They tend to be things that don’t require a big decision and are things that are done every day. However there’s another type of choice that I still make on a daily bases and those choices actually require thought and consideration, like whether or not I’m going to ignore the homeless man or give him a dollar or whether or not I’m going to help that person with their homework. These are the type of choices that are based on what I am, my personality and my morals. And I Celebrate Myself because I’d like to think that what I do and what I am are things that I will always look back on and be happy with.


  1. I like your split into what you do and what you are. What prompted you to make this distinction, and what do you think this distinction reflects?

  2. I agree with how you explain how society in which we live in is a large part of who we are and what we decide to do as a people. Good Blog
